Monday, January 16, 2012


Hey, I'm talking about reptiles.  Yeah, like dinosaurs, crocodiles and snakes.  Some people think they're amphibians, but they're not because they can't breathe under water.They also have dry and scaly skin because they stay in the sun all day.

Some reptiles, like crocodiles and alligators, go in water but they stick they're heads out to breathe. They also stick them out to see their prey. They also have large scales called scutes.  They shed them one at a time.

Snakes are another reptile group.  They have different ways of catching prey. Some might use venom or swallow them whole.They also shed there skin all at once.They also have these things called pit sensors that can sense heat in mammals thats why they are able to know where the prey are when they're hunting. They  also  gluide they're called flying snakes.

Turtles are another reptile group.  There are different types of turtles like the sea, alligator snapping and the mud turtle. They also have huge scales called scutes and have to come up to surface to get some air to breathe.

Lizards are reptiles too.  They have to shed their skin in pieces.  There are also 3,800 species of them. Some lizards have detachable tails and can live on any continent except Antarctica because reptiles have to live in warm areas. They have to because they're cold blooded and need warm body temperatures.

Bye...that's the end of my blog.


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  3. Alexander, I think you are a good person and you will understand that I am not trying to be mean but your post was really short and had barely any information and was not one of your best. I think you could put more personnality into your post.

    1 and 1/2 stars

  4. Ok so the info you put was good but maybe next time you could tell us more about the different types of reptiles.
