Wednesday, March 28, 2012

The science fair


Well, the Science Fair took a long time to work on for me, but in the end it turned out good.  Now first, before I started on my Science Fair board, I needed to find out my topic by looking at everyday questions.

Once I found my topic which was "Can different types of foods create electricity", I had to build a hypothesis for it. That means I had to answer the question, then put why I thought that was the answer.

Also, I chose that topic because I was interested in electricity and wanted to create it.  When I put my hypothesis, I had to do some research about what question I was trying to find the answer to.

Now, the next thing I had to do for the Science Fair is to put the materials and procedure. That means I had to put the things I used to do my experiments and put how to do the experiment.  At first I didn't have the right materials, but I borrowed a voltmeter from my uncle who is an electrician.

The experiment got messy, but in the end I got the right results and did the right research to answer questions like, "What type of acids did all of my foods that I experimented on have?" The orange and lemon had citric acid, the zucchini had pantothenic acid and the potato had phosphoric acid.

Then, after I took pictures while I did the experiment, I wrote all of the results, hypothesis and other research down. Once I did that I had enough information to write my conclusion which is using the scientific method.

After I did my conclusion, I had enough information and pictures to start my display board. It took a long time to put all the information and pictures on there,but once I did that I had to put the title of the project on the board.

I also found out that if you had enough foods with a lot of acid and connected them with copper and zinc wires, someone would be able to power a really big electricity source.

After that I rehearsed presenting to the judges. I was really good at it, but I didn't want them to ask a lot of questions, so I rehearsed that too.

When it was time to present our Science Fair projects and while I was waiting for the Judges, I thought of ways of doing my presentation and to speak clearly.

When I was done I did good by speaking clearly, looking at the judge instead of reading off the board, explaining it clearly and thought the Science Fair was a good experience.

Bye that's the end of my blog.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012


Hey ,yeah I'm talking about mammals.  Mammals have mammary glands, that's what they use to feed their young milk.  Some mammals are monotremes like platypuses, sweat milk to feed they're young.

Mammals also have hair, backbones, breathe air, are warm blooded and have mammary glands.  Mammals are similar to birds because they both have back bones, breathe air and are warmblooded.  The difference is  birds don't have fur or mammary glands.

Placental mammals give live birth and feed their babies with milk. They also are the biggest group of mammals.

Monotremes lay eggs, sweat milk and they have different types of defenses.  The platypus has a poisonous tip on the side of their feet that they put in to predators when threatened.  Spiny anteaters roll in balls and protect themselves with the sharp points on their back.

Marsupials have pouches and leave babies in them while feeding them milk until they develop.  Mammals can also adapt to different environments by using their healthy body systems to stay active and survive.

                                                   My favorite mammal is the jaguar.

It is the only big cat that lives in the Americas and they live in rain forests.  They're near extinct and are relatives of the leopard.  They also live in large habitats and have a bite hard enough to go through a turtles shell.

The jaguar can weigh up to 211 lbs. and can have a length that's 6ft 4in. Jaguars also climb trees to pounce on their prey and eat large animals like bulls.  They also live mostly in south america and they use their fur color for camouflage.  They have adapted to swimming and eating fish.

Bye that's the end of my blog.