Well, the Science Fair took a long time to work on for me, but in the end it turned out good. Now first, before I started on my Science Fair board, I needed to find out my topic by looking at everyday questions.
Once I found my topic which was "Can different types of foods create electricity", I had to build a hypothesis for it. That means I had to answer the question, then put why I thought that was the answer.
Also, I chose that topic because I was interested in electricity and wanted to create it. When I put my hypothesis, I had to do some research about what question I was trying to find the answer to.
Now, the next thing I had to do for the Science Fair is to put the materials and procedure. That means I had to put the things I used to do my experiments and put how to do the experiment. At first I didn't have the right materials, but I borrowed a voltmeter from my uncle who is an electrician.
Then, after I took pictures while I did the experiment, I wrote all of the results, hypothesis and other research down. Once I did that I had enough information to write my conclusion which is using the scientific method.
I also found out that if you had enough foods with a lot of acid and connected them with copper and zinc wires, someone would be able to power a really big electricity source.
After that I rehearsed presenting to the judges. I was really good at it, but I didn't want them to ask a lot of questions, so I rehearsed that too.
When it was time to present our Science Fair projects and while I was waiting for the Judges, I thought of ways of doing my presentation and to speak clearly.
When I was done I did good by speaking clearly, looking at the judge instead of reading off the board, explaining it clearly and thought the Science Fair was a good experience.
Bye that's the end of my blog.
When I was done I did good by speaking clearly, looking at the judge instead of reading off the board, explaining it clearly and thought the Science Fair was a good experience.
Bye that's the end of my blog.