Well, the six kingdoms of life are actually pretty cool. They show the difference between every living thing. See, if you went into a store and there were no signs or anything and it was all mixed up, wouldn't you be confused ? Yeah well that's when the six kingdoms come in and classify everything. This is how the six kingdoms classify life. The first kingdom is the animal kingdom. They're split up into groups called vertebrates and invertebrates. Vertebrates are animals like tigers,dogs and lions. Invertebrates are stuff like insects,sea stars and jelly fish.
The second one is the plant kingdom. Unlike some kingdoms, they can make there own food with photosynthesis. The third kingdom is fungi. It can't make it's own food so it has to eat off dead organisms. The fourth kingdom is the protist kingdom. They also have to eat other organisms. Protist is slime and bacteria. The fifth kingdom is archaebacteria. That means ancient bacteria. They called it that because it was probably on earth billions of years ago and used energy to adapt to the environment.The last kingdom is eubacteria. They also have to find their own food and are chemically similar to archeabacteria.
See you later deuces.